Friday, September 9, 2011

Bell be gone.

If I was the least bit photoshop savvy, I would have put Kit's head on the man's.
But I'm not, so you'll just have to use your imagination.

Kit the Warrior Cat lost her damn bell, unleashing the Rambo of the cat world and leaving a path of destruction in her wake. Thus far, she has stuck to the small, slow, low-carb animals, like mice and shrews. But the morning after she lost her bell, she had a robin and a squirrel waiting for us.

This pissed me off because (a) robins are cute and have silly blue eggs

[aside: Blue? What kind of camo is that? Don't you think evolution would have figured out that other animals see that pretty blue egg and start wondering if they'll have it poached or over easy this morning and change the colour to something a little less stand-outty like, oh, I dunno, brown?]

and (b) she evidently killed Squirrel Buddy.

There were two squirrels (or, at least, two classes of squirrel) sharing our property with us: Squirrel Buddy and Squirrel Bastard. Squirrel Buddy was cute and non-disease ridden and hung out with me and the bf in our little sitting area eating nuts with us. Squirrel Bastard is a loud-mouthed little asshole who chirps at anything - inanimate or otherwise - that moves. Since I still get yelled at by a squirrel when I water my plants or walk to my car or open a window, I'm pretty sure Squirrel Bastard lives on.

RIP Squirrel Buddy.

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