Thursday, September 22, 2011

More about the torn apart Stugar leg (or) The fly and other insects that want to eat my flesh.

[For backstory, see Stugar]

Let's go back to that all-so-traumatizing camping trip during which, at one point, I was sure a cougar was going to pounce on my back and bite my neck and drag me off into the woods and feed me to her cubs (kittens?).

Day 2 of camping:

My leg was gushing pretty bad, especially the knee. And especially over night all over my blanket. Gross... Anyways, I think I was a good sport about things; went for a swim in the morning (fish bait, I know...), hiked around, and pretty much did everything that everyone else did.

Now. Picture me, in shorts and a tee, sitting by the lake, feet dangling in water. Tranquility...*sigh*...but then! I looked down and there was a big fat black fly sitting in knee gush EATING IT!!! *shivers* Uck! And so I freaked out and had to talk myself off the ledge.

A couple days later...

Open Scene: Linda has just closed the bedroom door and is laying in bed watching a fly on the ceiling rub his icky little back legs together.

Me: (Too lazy to go on fly swatting mission) I’m just going to open the door again so the fly can buzz his way outta here. *opens door*

BF: *Tauntingly* But if he stays in here he can snack on your knee while you sleep.

Me: *Crazy arms/legs, smacks BF* Ewe! That’s fucking si-

BF: *Singing* It’s the circle of liiife…

Me: *Continuing to thrash* Eaaaah! Stop…

BF: *Convincingly* Hey. Calm down. *Smiles* Hakuna Matata.

Me: Hakuna Matata?

BF: Yeah. *Shrugs shoulders matter-of-fact-ly* Hakuna Matata.

Me: *Shakes head. Eye roll.*

BF: *Grabs boobs and shakes vigorously. Crazy eyes* Hakuna Ma-tah-tahs!!!

They're really singing about boobs.

And then the next day: 

I was just standing around outside minding my own business and I felt something on my leg and looked down and WASP EATING KNEE!! WASP EATING KNEE!!! Ahh...Shake it off. Shake it off. Deep's's all over're ok...

But seriously! *Stamps foot* Gawd...
Can't they eat someone else's wound? 

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